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Cleaning – a chore that not many people enjoy. It means you work up a sweat, it’s boring, and when you’re done, it lasts about 30 minutes before everywhere looks dirty again.

You hate it.

So we’re here to help. We have put together a list of our favourite time-saving cleaning tricks to help you get the job over and done with sooner rather than later.

Clean your air vent

Air vents are tricky to clean. Thos gaps are so small, how are you ever going to get the dust out of there?


Moisten a clean flannel or towel, and then drape it over a butter knife. You can now slip the towel in-between the narrow grates, cleaning all that dust out with ease.

Clean pot and pan cooking stains

Over time, pots and pans become stained with cooking grim and stains that just won’t come off in your standard wash. And the last thing you want to do is stand at a sink scrubbing them for hours.

So here’s our hack.

Fill the pan with water and add a cup of white vinegar and then simmer. Once you’ve done this take it off the stove and add two tablespoons o f baking soda. Then empty the pan and scrub lightly.

Voila! You have a pan that looks as good as new.

Clean your oven while you sleep

Put a small bowl filled with half a cup of ammonia into a cold oven and leave overnight. In the morning simple wipe it all down.

Cleaning your oven couldn’t be easier.

Clean your toilet without effort

No one likes getting on their hands and knees and scrubbing their filthy toilet clean. How nice would it be if it cleaned itself every time you flush?

Fill a mason jar with vinegar and punch a few small holes in the lid. Put the jar into your toilet’s water tank upside down. Every time you flush the toilet, some vinegar will leak out and help keep your toilet clean as a whistle.

Clean your microwave in 5 minutes

Cut a couple of lemons in half and put them in a glass dish with some water. Pop it in your microwave and turn it on until the water starts to boil. Turn it off, and leave the glass in there steaming for a while. Open it up, take out the glass, and wipe away all those horrible microwave stains!

Give us a call

Those are hacks for the smaller jobs, but big cleaning jobs often take more effort and more time. So save your energy and give us a call!