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It can be an expensive business when you leave the family home and move into your first rental property. There’ll be the deposit to pay on the property, the landlord will probably want a month’s rent in advance and there’ll be items of furniture to buy.  With so much going on and so much expense to account for cleaning will probably be the last thing on your mind. However, you should try keep on top of the dusting and vacuuming if you can and buying a few basic cleaning materials doesn’t have to cost that much. We want to help at SCS so we’ve thought of a few things you might need when you first move into a property.

  • Broom: Handy for sweeping dust off wooden floors and cheap to buy from supermarkets and pound-stretching stores.
  • Mop: Great for giving floors a clean once they have been swept.
  • Bucket: To go with the mop but can be used for cleaning windows as well.
  • Brush and pan set: Good for sweeping up spillages and perfect for the smaller rooms in the property.
  • Vacuum cleaner: For carpets and wooden floors. Ask around to see if anyone you know is replacing their old vac, it’ll save money and could have years of life left in it.
  • Cleaning cloths: Microfibre cloths are great for the kitchen and the bathroom.
  • All-purpose cleaner: Buy a big bottle to clean multiple areas of the home.
  • Rubber gloves: Protect your hands when you are carrying out cleaning duties.
  • Scrubbing brush: Perfect for hard floors that have become a little grubby.
  • Old toothbrush: Really useful for cleaning dirty grout around tiles.
  • Duster: Buy a pack of two and keep on top of the dust levels.
  • Polish: To use with the duster. Doesn’t have to be an expensive brand.
  • Squeegee: To keep the windows clean.
  • Bleach: Good to keep the toilet fresh.

If you buy the above items you’ll have plenty of cleaning materials to keep your home in a spotless condition. Shop around for the best deals though, look for deals at supermarkets or visit pound shops where you can buy cleaning materials for next to nothing.